Denver Grief & Loss Counseling

To schedule your 15-minute consultation, call: (970) 279-3295

Grief comes in many forms. A loved one has died. An important relationship ended. You've lost a beloved career. You were diagnosed with a serious illness. Whatever it is you are grieving, we all experience grief and loss in different ways. You may feel depressed, angry, filled with anxiety or regret, numb or even relieved. You may feel all these emotions at one time or another in the grief process.

Whatever you are feeling is right, acceptable and understandable. There are no right or wrong feelings.

There are many parts of grief, but unlike the way they look on a page, in real life they don’t show up in any clear order. You may cycle through the “stages” of grief in a day, an hour, or you may find yourself stuck on one page; unable to turn forward. Grief extracts a toll from your body as well as your mind. And it is necessary and universal. It is the process by which our minds and hearts cope with loss. And it hurts like hell. Grief is tails on the coin of life. The other side is love. The more you love, the more you grieve. Click here to check out my recent blog posts about grief and supporting those who are grieving.

Together, we'll explore what you're already doing to survive and we'll look at new ways to cope.

You can call me at my Denver office line, 970-279-3285 or click below to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation.

I offer 60-min individual counseling sessions at $105 and 80-minute sessions at $140


“The pain is there; when you close one door on it, it knocks to come in somewhere else…”

–Irvin Yalom